Health Services That a Primary Care Center Can Offer You

If you are feeling sick or just want to live a healthier life, you can visit a primary care center and meet with a doctor who will be glad to tend to your health care needs. A primary care center is often the first place you'll go for any health care services and can act as your first line of defense against medical problems. A local primary care center can offer you the following services.

Health Screenings

You can receive different health screenings at a primary health care center that can be useful for diagnosing, treating and preventing certain medical conditions. The doctor may take blood or urine samples to have them analyzed in a lab or use certain medical equipment pieces to perform a health screening. Health screenings that you receive at a primary care center may help you discover or prevent conditions like:

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Thyroid problems
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Prescription Medications

Over-the-counter medicines aren't always enough to treat medical conditions, and you may need to get medication that's prescribed by a doctor at a primary care center. When the doctor writes a prescription, you'll also receive detailed instructions for how to use the medicine and additional information about possible side effects, along with other things you should know. The primary care physician may also follow up with you after prescribing a medication to make sure that the medicine is working and isn't causing additional health problems.

Injury Treatment

You might need to take a trip to a primary care center if you sprain an ankle, burn your skin or suffer another unexpected injury. The doctor can dress your wounds and recommend or prescribe medicine to help you heal faster. Your primary care center should also be equipped with x-ray machines and other imaging equipment so that the doctor can check your injury to the fullest extent if necessary.


Vaccines that safeguard the body against certain diseases are available to help keep you safe. Most vaccines are administered intravenously and offer long-term protection. Some immunizations even last a lifetime after a single dose. Most primary care centers are equipped to offer vaccines to immunize patients against diseases like:

  • COVID-19
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Chickenpox
  • Smallpox
  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Shingles

Specialist Referrals

Your medical issue might be more complex and require specialized care, and a doctor at a primary care center can refer you to a specialist who will be able to give your specific condition more attention and offer you proper treatment. Many insurance plans require patients to obtain referrals from primary care physicians before specialty care is covered. You might not even need to see a specialist, and your primary care physician can possibly treat you instead so that you won't have to spend the extra time and money on specialty care.

You can live the healthiest life possible if you have a trusted primary care center that you can always turn to for service. Most primary care centers make scheduling appointments easy and allow you to come in at a time that fits within your schedule. 
