Preventative Care Exams Include These Steps

For many parents, preventative care for their children plays a crucial role. Children go through several stages of life quite quickly. One minute, they are newborns who rely on their moms and dads for everything. The next, they are babbling and walking around.

This means that paying attention to child development is critical. These are the things a doctor will do during a child development exam as they look for signs of proper development and health.

Developmental Health & History Checks

When you bring your child in for a preventative care exam, the doctor will exam developmental milestones. For instance, if your child was already behind in some areas, they will ask about your child's progress to see if they are still delayed in meeting these milestones.


Part of these screenings will also involve preventative care in the form of vaccinations. Vaccinations are important because they can help your child avoid illness that could impact their development through the stages.

Dental Screenings

These screenings also involve an examination of the child's teeth to ensure that the child's dental development is also on par with expectations for a child of his or her age.

Hearing Screenings

Children who reach different levels of development may also miss out on hearing milestones. When caught early, intervention can help children get help that can prevent hearing loss or help them adapt to permanent congenital hearing loss.

Vision Screenings

The same applies to vision. Children need to be checked for meeting vision development milestones. If a child is not meeting these milestones, a doctor will help a child get the assistance they need to see clearly.

Lab Tests

Lab tests may be necessary to help identify the cause of different developmental issues. These tests can shed light on common concerns seen in young children.

Mental Health & Trauma Screenings

Doctors will also use child development preventative care exams to help identify signs of trauma and other health issues. Mental health symptoms can indicate cognitive delays that can be addressed early in life.

Speech & Walking Screening

Finally, there are certain fine and motor skills children typically develop at specific ages. The same applies to some forms of speech. A child who does not develop speech and walking skills on par with others may have some other issues that can be assisted with mobility devices and therapy, for instance.

See a Child Development Specialist or Doctor

A child development doctor can help you take the next steps forward, regardless of where your child is on the development spectrum. Make an appointment today to ensure your child is on the right track.
