Back Pain Keeping You Up At Night? That's When You Know It's Time To Get Help

What's worse than slogging around all day with back pain? Staying awake all night over it, too. Not being able to sleep is bad enough, but when it's due to constant back pain, your health and well-being are both threatened. Sleep deprivation can lead to all kinds of compromising situations, and acute pain leaves you agonized and near tears. You have to do something about your back pain, before it ruins you further, affecting your relationships, ability to work, and even your good judgment.

Try Not To Think About The Pain As You Get Ready For Bed

Although it's challenging, if you can avoid dwelling on your pain and problems as you go to bed, you might just give yourself enough time to nod off, before becoming too frustrated. Visualizing things that are peaceful and calming, like cool mountains, beautiful waterfalls, and graceful animals could ease your mind into sleep, whereas focusing on your physical pain only amplifies the power it has over you.

Change Up Your Sleeping Position

Resting on your side with the aid of pillows could alleviate some of your throbbing back pain because it takes pressure off the area. Bring your knees close to your chest, almost in a fetal position, and see if that doesn't allow you at least a few minutes free of pain, so you can finally catch some Zs. If no position brings you comfort, question the bed you're sleeping on, among other possible contributors to back pain:

  • Lackadaisical posture
  • Impractical shoes
  • Sitting or standing all day (as alternating, along with stretching, is better for your back)
  • Stress and anxiety, especially at night

Create An Entire Health Care Team For Your Pain

If you're up in the middle of the night with back pain, look for a local healthcare clinic that can offer immediate help. If your job is wreaking havoc on your lower back muscles, seek the long-term assistance of a physical therapist, and if your pain is so bad you need prescription strength relief or sleep aids, ask your primary physician to start you out on a milder medication and try not to depend on it too much.

Either way, you should avail yourself of all the help you can get, especially considering how insomnia can erode your health, as well as compromise your ability to do the most basic things in life, from driving to remembering. If you don't have health insurance, ask your local health care clinic what your best options are for treatment, then follow those recommendations carefully. No matter how tough you tend to be when it comes to pain or running to a doctor, you need to prioritize your health and address both your back pain and the insomnia it's causing.

Work To Become More Flexible

Although your first instinct might be to rest your aching back, because so many muscle groups contribute to the support and well-being of that area, it's good to exercise, moderately if needed, to become more flexible and toned. For example, ab muscles take a lot of pressure off the back, but only if they're in good shape; otherwise, weak abdominal muscles tax the back, especially when you don't (or can't) lift properly.

Consider something relatively gentle on your body, that's still effective in toning and strengthening, such as yoga. Moderate exercising may also relieve muscle tension, and that, too, should reduce back pain, at least to some extent.

Sleep is too crucial an aspect of good health and happy living to go without it, no matter what's instigating the insomnia. Back pain on a daily basis is torturous enough, and you shouldn't let it compromise your sleep. Actively seek help until you find relief, then let yourself sleep in late for a day or two, because you'll have some catching up to do.

If you need help with back pain, contact your local medical clinic.
